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Panasonic Thoughbook CF-19 DSDT Errors


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Please could anyone help me fixing these errors in the DSDT.


                    Name (_T_1, Zero)  // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler
                   Name (_T_0, Zero)  // _T_x: Emitted by ASL Compiler
                   Store (Arg0, Local0)
                   Store (Arg1, Local1)
                   If (LEqual (Local1, One))
                       While (One)
                           Store (Local0, _T_0)
                           If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x00))
                               Store (One, OPNA)
                               If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x01))
                                   Store (One, OPNB)
                                   If (LEqual (_T_0, 0x02))
                                       Store (One, OPNC)
                                       Return (Ones)


Removing the last bracket from above codes brought the errors from 79 to 7 but I'm not able to get rid of these 7 errors.

7 errors screenshot and DSDT.dsl attached.



        \_SB.CETP (If (CondRefOf (\_TZ.PTMD))
               \_SB.PTMD.IECD (\_SB.PTMD.PM23 (\_SB.PTMD.PM24 (\_SB.PTMD.PM25 (\_SB.PTMD.EDPM (\_SB.PTMD.IOSD (\_SB.PTMD.SOSD ()), If (CondRefOf (\_TZ.DPPM
                                       \_SB.DPPM.IECD (\_SB.RSAX (\_SB.DPPM.IOSD (\_SB.DPPM.SOSD ()), If (\_SB.DPPM.WA0E)
                                                   Store (0x01, \_SB.DPPM.WAN0)
                                                   \_SB.DPPM.WAM0 ()
                                               }), \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.EC48 (), \_SB.DOCK ())
                                   }), Return (Package (0x02)


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