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Installing Snow Leopard 10.6.3 using Hackboot


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I have purchased a Snow Leopard media to proceed with its installation.

I have tried Hackboot 5 and Hackboot 7 without success.

With the first one appears a message indicating that AppleUSBHub.kext is not compatible with 10.5.4 or something like that.

With the other one the screen appears blank before it try to boot.

I have used the following boot modifiers:


-v -x

-v -x cpus=1 npci=0x2000 busration=18 (I have a Intel I5) pci=acpi

-v -x cpus=1 npci=0x2000 busration=18 pci=acpi GraphicsEnabler=no

Could anybody helps me?

I have a Sony Vaio VPCF12M1E/H


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update u signature in u profile, something like i have in the bottom of my answer with u hardware

try to use nawcom mod cd to boot


good hack

PB Easy Note TM 86 - i5 430 M - H55M - Ram - 6 GB - Alc272 - Radeon HD 5470 512 QE/CI

Lenovo G500 - i5 3230m - HM77 - Ram - 8 GB - Conexant audio - HD 4000

My OS X Files 

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