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Brightness control in System Preferences -Display and FN key


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I've looked around for a solution to the brightness issue I have on Mountain Lion. The problems I have are that there is no way of controlling the brightness, either with the fn keys or the slider in the Display prefpane (in System preferences).

I have read that there needs to be a PNLF device in the DSDT and it needs to be put before another device, but I can't find that in my DSDT either.

Could someone please help me locate where and how to enter this device in my DSDT?

Would I use the following patch (found in various forums)?

Device (PNLF)


Name (_HID, EisaId ("APP0002"))

Name (_CID, "backlight")

Name (_UID, 0x0A)

Name (_STA, 0x0B)


Many thanks for your help - because of this site, I have been able to create and edit my DSDT with the pre-made patches and almost have a fully working Mac :)


My Specs:

Sony Vaio VPCEH2n1e

i5 2450 2.4GHz

Mountain Lion

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Insert into scope _SB.

Use the patch for DSDT Editor and it will put in the right place


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