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(DSDTSE) Compil error 1088/1081 : Method (_DSM, 4, Serialize


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I am close to zero error when compiling my DSDT but i really struggle for one last ; i don't know where to put the return zero. Any idea ?

Errors :


/Users/Nicolas/Library/Application Support/EvOSoftware/DSDT/DSDTFiles/dsdt.dsl 9372: Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)

Warning 1088 - Not all control paths return a value ^ (_DSM)

/Users/Nicolas/Library/Application Support/EvOSoftware/DSDT/DSDTFiles/dsdt.dsl 9372: Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)

Warning 1081 - Reserved method must return a value ^ (_DSM)


And section :


            Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)
               Name (DRET, Buffer (0x04)
               If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
                           /* 0000 */    0xE1, 0x75, 0x39, 0x6F, 0x82, 0x7A, 0x67, 0x4F,
                           /* 0008 */    0x8B, 0x97, 0x15, 0xBE, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xBE, 0xDF
                   If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
                       CreateWordField (DRET, Zero, F0SS)
                       Store (0x02, F0SS)
                       Return (DRET)
                   If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
                       If (LEqual (^^PEG0.PEGP.LNKV, 0x03))
                           Return (Zero)
                       Return (One)
   Scope (_PR)


Best regards.

Asus Maximus V Formula, i7 2600K, MSI GTX 580 Lightning

Mountain Lion 10.8 <-- trashed : back to SL ; Chameleon r2070

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Just insert a return in all control paths, but it won't make a difference (other than suppressing the compiler warning)

Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)
               Name (DRET, Buffer (0x04)
               If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
                           /* 0000 */    0xE1, 0x75, 0x39, 0x6F, 0x82, 0x7A, 0x67, 0x4F,
                           /* 0008 */    0x8B, 0x97, 0x15, 0xBE, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xBE, 0xDF
                   If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
                       CreateWordField (DRET, Zero, F0SS)
                       Store (0x02, F0SS)
                       Return (DRET)
                   If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
                       If (LEqual (^^PEG0.PEGP.LNKV, 0x03))
                           Return (Zero)
                       Return (One)
[color=#FF0000]Return (Zero)[/color]
[color=#FF0000]Return (Zero)[/color]
   Scope (_PR)

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Thank you :)

What do you mean by it won't make a difference ? The DSDT compil with only one return zero, do you advice to put two return zero ?


            Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)
               Name (DRET, Buffer (0x04)
               If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0x10)
                           /* 0000 */    0xE1, 0x75, 0x39, 0x6F, 0x82, 0x7A, 0x67, 0x4F, 
                           /* 0008 */    0x8B, 0x97, 0x15, 0xBE, 0xE0, 0x60, 0xBE, 0xDF
                   If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
                       CreateWordField (DRET, Zero, F0SS)
                       Store (0x02, F0SS)
                       Return (DRET)

                   If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
                       If (LEqual (^^PEG0.PEGP.LNKV, 0x03))
                           Return (Zero)

                       Return (One)

           Return (Zero)



I still can't compil my dsdt when i try to inject a device :


/Users/Nicolas/Library/Application Support/EvOSoftware/DSDT/DSDTFiles/dsdt.dsl 9384: Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized)
Error 4057 - Name already exists in scope ^ (_DSM)


I am swimming..

Asus Maximus V Formula, i7 2600K, MSI GTX 580 Lightning

Mountain Lion 10.8 <-- trashed : back to SL ; Chameleon r2070

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What do you mean by it won't make a difference ? The DSDT compil with only one return zero, do you advice to put two return zero ?

I mean warnings don't avoid compilation.


I still can't compil my dsdt when i try to inject a device :

Error 4057 - Name already exists in scope ^ (_DSM)

As the message says, _DSM already exists in scope. You can't have two objects with same name in same scope.

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Ok i got it ; and second method is removed ; i guess i don't have an alternate solution, but at least HD 3000 injection compil this time :)

Asus Maximus V Formula, i7 2600K, MSI GTX 580 Lightning

Mountain Lion 10.8 <-- trashed : back to SL ; Chameleon r2070

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I also have Asus Maximus V Formula motherboard and I was making DSDT for the board. Mainly I have two issues:

1. Front panel usb ports don't work unless I edit HPET to assign more interrupts (which breaks wake from sleep).

2. I could not get the front panel audio to work.

You can look at my thread for details : http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1831

Do you have any such issues with this motherboard? What patches did you apply in your dsdt?

Mountain Lion (10.8)

Asus Maximus V Formula (with patched BIOS 804)

Core i7 3770K


Corsair H100 CPU cooler

Coolermaster Haf 922 chasis

Microsoft wireless 5000 keyboard and mouse

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