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Cannot boot Lion retail DVD/iAtkosL2,PCI Configuration Begin


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I am stuck at this line in trying to boot from the DVD to install lion 10.7.2.

I cnanot get past [PCI Configuration Begin] line or section in the boot process.

I have teied numerous boot flags, npci=0x2000 (thats the one for lion) and even PCI=off.

When i use "-v -x pci=off" (when booting iAtkos or swapping retail dvd using hackBoot) i get the same result and it hangs around [PCI Configuration begin]. I get one line after that though if i include PCI=off and that is "console 1024 x 768 @ 0xe1000000" and then it hangs there. I wish i could see a debug log of some sort to see what it is doing to fix why it is hanging. How would i go about doing this when its booting form the DVD?

I have embedded a screenshot of my screen during boot and where it hangs.


My cpu is an intel i7 740qm @ 1.73ghz (busratio 13) and graphics card is nvidia geforce 425m.

My motherboard is a sony one, but it is an intel chipset and boots to snow leopard just fine.

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Hi, no support will be given on Distros.... access the chat http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=Olarila type ? liondvd to get the downloads links, and start from a clean image.... read the topic also http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=740#p7322

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