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remove_entry not working


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HD4000 framebuffer experiments. If Method (_DSM.... exist in GFX0 (parent_adr 0x00200000), DSDT Editor adds the new Method (_DSM.... after the existing entry resulting in a compile error: 8273 Error Name already exists in scope (_DSM)

Current patch

into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x00200000 remove_entry;
into device name_adr 0x00020000 insert
   Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)\n
       Store (Package (0x02)\n
               "AAPL,ig-platform-id", \n
               Buffer (0x04) \n
               { \n
                  0x0A, 0x00, 0x66, 0x01 \n
               }, \n
           }, Local0)\n
       DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))\n
       Return (Local0)\n

Attached is dsdt with the compile error; first patch 0A, second patch 0B.


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into method label _DSM parent_adr 0x00200000 remove_entry;

into device name_adr 0x00020000 insert

It's not 0x00200000, but 0x00020000.

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It's not 0x00200000, but 0x00020000.

Pilot error, thanks.

Another problem: No success with a patch for these warnings:

11048 Warning Not all control paths return a value (_HID)

11048 Warning Reserved method must return a value (Integer/String required for _HID)

original dsdt

Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized)
           If (TCMF) {}
               Return (0x0201D824)

patch code

into_all all code_regex (If\s\(TCMF)\s*\)
   If (TCMF) \n
   { \n
       Return (Zero) \n
   } \n


// into_all all code_regex (If\s\(TCMF)\s*\) replace_matched 

       Method (_HID, 0, NotSerialized)
               If (TCMF) 
        Return (Zero) 
               Return (0x0201D824)

Unfortunately, the {} remains preventing a successful compile. Manually removing the {} fixes compile. dsdt with problem attached. Thanks again for the incredible support.


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into_all all code_regex If\s\(TCMF\)\s\{\} replace_matched


Would you post your complete patches?

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