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Hackintosh Olarila HackBeast ProArt Z490 CREATOR 10G with Thunderbolt

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Hi @MaLd0n

Today watching a YouTube video in full screen, my Hackintosh has rebooted. Before that, Firefox gave me a tab error a couple of times and I had to reload it.
When only the PC restarted, I had an error / warning when loading the OS. And when entering the desktop, this error message.



Today was the day I was going to do the backup with clonezilla, now that I had the Hackintosh to my liking.

Now it has left me scared, I thought that the Hackintosh would be 100% functional and without errors.

I hope you can give me a hand and find the solution.


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extract one new sendme with ioreg

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3 hours ago, cachiputi said:

Thanks @MaLd0n


run Olarila Repair.app for ur system version. This co nfig looks perfect

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acpi folder, just replace

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hello i have a serious probleme i want to use your config files i have myself mypatch dsdt , that's works with amd rx 580 , but now i want to use only igpu for display with no dgpu.


i try many configs with different platform id for igpu ( opencore official guide)

and smbios imac20.2

but if i rest with your smbios  the screeen is black ( bios config igpu enabled 64m igpu monitor enabled )


and if i try to change to smbios imac 20.2 opencore say 

"this version of macos x is not supported with this plateform"


how to fix it plz?




th'ts my files


we transfer




ok thanks the hackintosh boot with no message osx not supported , but now after that it was rebooting after trying initialise igpu i think because after all load of text of verbose mod , there is some artifact who was poping in screen , and it reboot.


i precise i was trying to boot with usb key with your efi files but i select booting on opencore selection my last installation of macos with efi inside ( configurate with dgpu amd rx 580).


maybe the problem was that ??

i wanna go to try reinstall full system with your efi.


Many thanks for your reply

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u need create ur video patch

i dont use it

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6 hours ago, snoupy said:

Partially working with i9 10850K, RX570 and Samsung NVMe and Big Sur

use this folder, reboot and extract new sendme

don't change nothing


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1 minute ago, snoupy said:

I think I'm near the end, just have to re-enable the RX570 (driver don't load), any idea ?

save one ioreg with last folder

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3 minutes ago, snoupy said:

here it is

gpu is full load


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2 hours ago, snoupy said:

Strange I cannot set resolution higher than 1080 on my 4K display

use -cdfon

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19 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

use -cdfon

Finally got graphics working by removing agdpmod=pikera from boot-args

Last point is sleep, when computer enter sleeps, when wake on, reboot to bios. Any idea ?


22 minutes ago, snoupy said:

Finally got graphics working by removing agdpmod=pikera from boot-args

Last point is sleep, when computer enter sleeps, when wake on, reboot to bios. Any idea ?


Try with    igfxonln = 1
in boot-arg worked for me

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4 hours ago, snoupy said:

Last point is sleep, when computer enter sleeps, when wake on, reboot to bios.


use power button to wake

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