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5,1 System Definitions??


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I would like to use 5,1 System Definitions. Please Note: I am using core i5-2400 processor and GTX 560 GPU. I found one of the tutorial it says: If you insist on installing either of these two 4,1/5,1 system definitions, be sure to remove AppleTyMCEDriver.kext and AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext from /System/Library/Extensions.

Should i delete those two kext and make new system definitions? Or i can simply use 5,1 System Definitions.

As i know AppleGraphicsPowerManagement.kext needs for GPU full acceleration.

Looking for the suggestion. Thanks in advance.

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If you are talking about MacPro4,1/5,1 SMBIOS, none of them is recommended for your CPU (LGA1155) http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1302

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If you are talking about MacPro4,1/5,1 SMBIOS, none of them is recommended for your CPU (LGA1155) http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1302


Which system Definition should i use

- iMac 12,1 or 12,2

- MacBook Pro 8,1 or 8,2 or 8,3

Please define by yourself for me :)

I swear i found the quickest and appropriate answer from this forum and obviously all from you.

Thanks You Bro. Thanks from Bottom of My Heart.

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iMac (assuming it's a desktop). If you have poor video performance use LegacyAGPM for desktop http://Olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=629

No problem man, glad I could help.

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