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Problems with ML instalation on Acer 4820t


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I have some problems even reaching the installer on this computer:

Acer Aspire 4820t

Processor: Intel Core i5, 2,40ghz

Memory: 4GB

BIOS: Insydeh20 Version V1.13

Graphics: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470

I have search through the forum for help but no luck, so i am reaching out for help here!

I have removed the suggested graphics kexts, and also /System/Library/Extensions/AppleGraphicsControl.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ApplePolicyControl.kex

I have also tried all kinds of booting flags.... -x -v -f, GraphicsEnabler=No and so on but no luck, i will attach some photos of the kexts. Hoping for some help :) This is my first attempt on hackintosh as i usually uses mac.

Ehm.....sorry that the pics are upside down, dont know why that happened :)




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Post a picture of the last screen where it stops. Don't use Wait=yes, use only GraphicsEnabler=no -f.

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I successfully installed OS X Mavericks 10.9 on my Acer 4820T laptop.

I used myHack to create the usb installer.

Click NO when myHack asks if you are installing on a MBR hard drive.

After myHack finishes, run this command in Terminal from the S/L/E folder on the usb installer: rm -rf AppleIntelHD*.*

Download the "MBR Fix" and put those 2 files on the usb installer in the correct folders.

After installation, boot off the usb installer but select your newly installed Mavericks Operating System. You should always boot with the flag -v

(verbose) so you can see all errors

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