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Fine Tune Keyboard, Hibernation, Sound and Trackpad


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Hello and Thank you for the help.
I managed to install Catalina with Olarila files. Everything woks fine but the Keyboard won't respond. It works on Boot Screen and sometimes it worked but with the USB installation plugged In. I tryed to turn off the Voodoo kexts, one by one, and sometimes I had the trackpad, sometimes the Keyboard butI never could get it back again But I prefer have the Keyboard. My Trackpad works fine but has the touchForce always On and its not appearing in the system preferences. The Hibernation doesn't work either, when it go to sleep it never wakes up again. I have an Nvidia GTX1060 but i'm actually using the intel UHD300 if you have any solution for that i'll be very happy. 

I'll Attach here the EFI and the Kextstats for when the Keyboard and those when they don't. And Attaching the Send-me files also.

Thank You again.    https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vb49m9anwpq50ro/AAD7mRDPp11bjSzdfLERpk_5a?dl=0

Edited by Cuzco
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