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[Guide] New Clover Bootloader Integration / Quirks Configuration

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Need Clover version 5123+




-SkyLake and Kabylake

config.SERIE 100 and 200.zip



-CooffeLake and CometLake

config.SERIE 300 and 400.zip













-SkyLake and Kabylake Mobile

config.SKYLAKE and KABYLAKE M.zip


-CooffeLake and WhiskeyLake Mobile




-IceLake Mobile

config.ICELAKE M.zip


Credits: Jief_MachakSlice and acidanthera team


You can check a basic and good config in SanityChecker



Use this OpenCore config.plist and check a correct Quirks for your hardware in Booter/Quirks




Some words from Slice


Since rev5123 devs make joined bootloader Clover+OpenCore. It started as Clover using Clover's GUI and ability to change settings and then started OpenCore to inject and patche kexts and start macOS.

Starting Windows and other OSes is done by Clover's way.

There are new section in config.plist named Quirks that collect setting for OpenCore but some setting is just delegated from Clover because it can change it on the fly.

There is a correspondence of OpenCore and traditional Clover settings to easy migrate from OpenCore to new Clover.

OpenCore                      Clover
AppleCpuPmCfgLock   AppleIntelCPUPM
AppleXcpmCfgLock      KernelPm
DisableRtcChecksum   AppleRTC
LapicKernelPanic          KernelLapic

About kernel and kext patches there is the follow.

1. OC accounts them as same and name "kernel" in the place of name of kext. Clover has different section for Kernel patches, kexts patches and Booter (boot.efi) patches.

2. Clover deal only with 64 bit arch while OC has "Arch" parameter.

Other fields are

OpenCore        Clover
Base                  Procedure
Comment        Comment
Count               Count
Enabled           Disabled
Skip                  Skip
Identifier         Name
Find                  Find
Mask                MaskFind
Replace           Replace
ReplaceMask  MaskReplace
MaxKernel      -
MinKernel       -
-                        MatchOS
-                        InfoPlistPatch
-                        RangeFind

3. Procedure name in OpenCore must be long like __ZN8AppleRTC18setupDateTimeAlarmEPK11RTCDateTime

Clover can use short name. In the example it can be setupDateTimeAlarm.

4. OpenCore assumes byte mask while Clover assumes bit masking. In the case of 0xFF00FF it will be the same. More careful see documentation for OpenCore and samples for Clover at this page.

5. RangeFind restrict search in Clover by several bytes. I don't know if OpenCore is able do the same.

6. Patches in OpenCore can be "Enabled" by setting the variable while in Clover they are enabled by default. User can disable it in the config.plist or in Clover GUI.

7. For Kernel patches we had additional

"StartPattern" and corresponding "MaskStart" to define a place from what we want to search.

OpenCore has no such service. Later we will extend the possibility.

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Posted (edited)


Please add files for Ivy Bridge CPU's 

Mine is i7 3770 with intel hd4000 + Asus RX560 and HP mobo

Please make it possible to install Big Sur in those PC's.

Edited by Mad Max
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Hi. Ill add, but i need test ;) 

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On 10/28/2020 at 12:19 PM, jcosx69 said:

Thanks, can you upload files for Haswell CPU´s?

i need test first

On 10/28/2020 at 2:04 PM, Allan said:

@MaLd0n just...rocks!! ?

Thanks and enjoy, @Allan

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I tried your Config.plist and using Clover 5126. It works on Catalina but when I updated to big sur It gaves me a kernel panic during boot ..All kext has been updated 


Im using Intel Core i5-8265U Whiskey Lake Processor 

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1 hour ago, Tristan Listanco said:

Im using Intel Core i5-8265U Whiskey Lake Processor 

compile last clover

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1 hour ago, fabioad said:

I've a Skylake mobibile, i updated the drivers and kexts and it crashes in "root" message in Clover r5126.

report to devs in GitHub

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Olá Maldon. Fiz alguns testes no meu chipset 6 com a pasta EFI daqui do fórum. Com Clover 5126 depois do início "das apresentações" tive Kpanic. Depois tentei com Clover 5123.1 e depois "das apresentações" até começou o processo de instalação, mas logo a instalação reiniciou novamente. Tentei com duas smbios diferentes: Mac Pro 6,1 e iMac 15,1 que são as indicadas pelo Dortania para IvyBridge. Você acha que pro IvyBridge existe alguma esperança especificamente com Clover? Ou pode esquecer mesmo? valeu!

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6 hours ago, Mac-B said:

Você acha que pro IvyBridge existe alguma esperança especificamente com Clover? Ou pode esquecer mesmo? valeu!

eu não tenho problemas. Funciona muito bem em todos

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6 hours ago, Mac-B said:

Com o BigSur? Qual pasta EFI e config.plist você usou?


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Posted (edited)

Eu tentei com essa pasta e deu isso: vide foto


E quando tentei com clover 5123.1 e EFI MacPro6,1 com chipset 6, deu isso> vide foto



Essa minha MoBo tem UEFI e Legacy(BIOS), mas em UEFI, o windows 8 tá impregnada nela e não aceita instalar outra imagem no modo UEFI. Se eu soubesse como eliminar de vez esse windows do modo UEFI, acho que conseguiria instalar o macOS em UEFI e não em Legacy. Falando em Legacy, criei minha pasta OC e ficou muito boa, depois de revisar no Sanity Checker. Depois de criar a pasta pra essa máquina com o OCBuilder, tem uma subpasta "LegacyBoot" em > Utilities com um monte de coisas pra usar com Legacy, mas o manual não é tão claro em como utilizar aquele tanto de coisa pra dar o boot. Tem algum tutorial mais simples explicando esse método meio "complicado" de dar boot em OpenCore no modo Legacy? 


Edited by Mac-B
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1 hour ago, Mac-B said:

OpenCore no modo Legacy? 

tem de ler o manual que vem com o opencore

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Olá Daniel , uma das coisas que fez o Catalina funcionar foi essa config dos quirks pro comet lake. Voce teria os quirks do Cometlake para notebook ? 

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5 hours ago, Cuzco said:

Olá Daniel , uma das coisas que fez o Catalina funcionar foi essa config dos quirks pro comet lake. Voce teria os quirks do Cometlake para notebook ? 

se está funcionando é isso msm

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4 hours ago, eaduril said:

Hi everyone! Will these folders be updated for Clover 5127? Thanks!

Arquivo Comprimido.zip

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Hello everyone .. Is it possible to install BigSur 10.16 in Sandy Bridge i7 2600 system with Z68 motherboard or do I have to think about updating the equipment ?. I now have Catalina 10.15.7 installed and working fine with Clover, I try to create the new bootable usb following the Open Core and Clover guide ... but there is no way to boot from USB ... I am already desperate ..

Many Thanks greetings..

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12 minutes ago, robertito said:

Hello everyone

yes. u can. need a gpu and smbios with support

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14 minutes ago, MaLd0n said:

yes. u can. need a gpu and smbios with support

thanks .. the GPU I have is this Radeon RX 580 4 GB the SMBIOS thing .. if that would be more complicated for me .. any manual or help could you give me? naturally after donation ;-) Greetings

Posted (edited)

I used "SkyLake and Kabylake Mobile" quirks for my Haswell i7-5700HQ and the update from Catalina to Big Sur worked without problem, like a normal Macbook I did it from System Preferences section. Thank you, very very thank you! ??????????????


Edited by Luca Fragapane
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