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Hello Community,


I am not new in hackintosh but I am newbee here ;-)


I am attempting to install Catalina on a i7 6500u ASUS K756U laptop. SSD drive.

I use image here:

I need to set config 2 on clover boot-loader options to access OSX installation page  (see file hacktalina2)

I used disk utility to format the SSD drive called Hacktalina ;-)

Then I launch catalina installer but it fails at 80% of its installation  (see file Hacktalina4)

After it's black screen and it comes back to clover with 2 osx install possibilities (see file Hacktalina5&6)

but nothing makes me finish OSX installation.

Graphic seems to be Nvidia Geforce 920MX

Ram is 4Go (tried with 8Go without better success)


Any help are welcome


Best from France,




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