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In new BIOS there are some differences in HDEF and HPET devices.

Try this patch

Z68 Pro3.txt.zip


It fixes errors in HPET and HDEF, but there's still this error which I don't know how to fix

_HID suffix must be all hex digits (GH)

You can try to change _HID in SB.PCI0.DOCK to PNP0C15 or just remove it and test.

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Hi guys! I really hope you can help me. Its probably simple to solve my problem but I am kind of a newbie and would really appreciate your help.

I have the same Asrock z68 Pro3, nvidia 570, and had a working 10.7. OSX on my desktop and tried to update to Mountain Lion. Before doing so I updated my BIOS from an old one to 2.10. After using Ultibeast and installing the Update I was able to startup into Mountain Lion using 'PCIRootUID=0 -F' option. Then I started multishit using a DSDT I dowloaded from the Inet (maybe wrong version, I changed *.txt to *aml ending), ticked some checkboxes I thought would be ok and ran it. But now I can't restart into Mountain Lion any more. Not even using iBoot :-(. What to do?

In the posts you are talking about patches. Are these DSDT's or how can I use them for my PC?

Thanks for any help!


Thanks for the very fast response!

My main problem is that I can't startup into OSX Mountain Lion any more to follow the guide...

Can I somehow reset multishit settings or install another DSDT without having to get into OSX? I think I used the wrong DSDT (maybe not even a DSDT, I renamed a txt to aml so might have been a patch).




about beast ask there how to

try to boot

-v DSDT=

good hack

PB Easy Note TM 86 - i5 430 M - H55M - Ram - 6 GB - Alc272 - Radeon HD 5470 512 QE/CI

Lenovo G500 - i5 3230m - HM77 - Ram - 8 GB - Conexant audio - HD 4000

My OS X Files 

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