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Asus G73SW Mavericks Install with Clover - Ironing out kinks


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Yes, my DSDT has the needed patch for audio.

Did you turn the laptop off and on again?

AppleHDAALC269 should not make difference when using the patched kext, but try removing it.

I don't think it has relation with the wireless card, but you should remove the AR9285 patch from DSDT



My Mavericks results


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Hrm... frustrating... I have replaced the DSDT but still no audio... Yes, I shut down completely. I even removed the battery and power cable for 10 seconds. I also tried removing the AppleHDAAL kext. No change. I will boot into Windows and use AIDA64 to get dev ID's to compare.

EDIT: Odd.... it seems to be detected...


But no sound....



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I've had a look at some logs and config files....

Here is the boot log: http://pastebin.com/fDQi8Z92

Here is the install log (after reinstalling this morning): http://pastebin.com/JJR7FwSA

Here are some screenshots of the clover configurator after mounting EFI partition:












To me, the clover configurator looks distinctly devoid of any settings.... also, there is a line in the boot log at the end... "19:392 0:000 FSInjection: skipping kext injection (not requested)"

How does this compare to yours? I do not think Clover is picking up my config settings properly, hence the issues with audio.

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Looks like config.plist is being loaded

16:272  0:000  Injected EFIString of length 2145
16:272  0:000  KextToPatch 0: AppleHDA Kext bin patch, data len: 4
16:272  0:000  KextToPatch 1: AppleHDA Kext bin patch, data len: 4
16:272  0:000  KextToPatch 2: AppleHDA Kext bin patch, data len: 4


I never used Clover Configurator.

Try copying my config.plist, edit the theme setting using a text editor and do not use Clover Configurator, maybe it's doing something it shouldn't.

I see no difference other than that and the fact that I'm still on Clover v2703 (should not be a problem).

Search your system log for AppleHDA, you should see messages like this, it's normal

kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAEngine at line 578


Also check if AppleHDA is being loaded

kextstat | grep AppleHDA

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That's what I have done.. I just opened the configurator to see if it picked up the settings.

Maybe I have installed Clover incorrectly.

Once I installed Mavericks, I booted to desktop and ran the Clover installer using these options:


Then I copied your kexts to S/L/E, replaced the config.plist, added the DSDT.aml, added the HFSPlus-64.efi and deleted the Vbox, added Shell64U.efi to tools and added the MBP plist. I also patched the graphics control to prevent black screen. I am not sure what else I have done wrong? One thing I would note... When the EFI chains to clover, I get the flashing '|' in the top right, but I have to press enter to load clover. Then there are two options... The Mavericks partition and another .. something like UEFI from hard drive... Have I installed clover incorrectly?


Kextstat output..


   82    1 0xffffff7f82168000 0x1a000    0x1a000    com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController (2.6.3f4) <81 76 11 7 6 5 4 3 1>
 109    0 0xffffff7f822d0000 0x94000    0x94000    com.apple.driver.AppleHDA (2.6.3f4) <108 106 91 82 81 76 6 5 4 3 1>
 110    0 0xffffff7f82164000 0x2000     0x2000     com.apple.driver.AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver (2.6.3f4) <4 3>


I see this in the log:


Is it the same?

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*sigh* nothing.

1. I can only assume at this point that there is a bug in the version of clover I am using... or

2. I have still installed clover incorrectly... I have set the theme and I still get a pause.

How did you add the boot entry?

I did this:

BOOT > Add New Boot Option >

name: clover

drive: (only one available)

path: \efi\boot\bootx64.efi

Is this how you did it?

Also I read somewhere that for Aptio you need to rename cloverx64.efi in the Clover folder to bootx64.efi and put it in boot, replacing the one that is there. Did you do this?

Could you upload your clover version installer to sendspace please :)

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Ok, I've just been playing around with things here... I have tried with your EFI folder and with mine. Can't boot with just yours because I need to use the /EFI/BOOT folder... I have used clover to add the UEFI option as that guide suggests just to make sure and there is no change. I must be booting in EFI though, because I have not installed Clover to MBR.

One thing I just wanted to check... when you tap the escape key to bring up the boot options menu, do you have "UEFI:" prefixed on your HDD just like when booting from the Olarila USB drive? I don't...


You can see the that USB drive has the UEFI option, but not the HDD, could this be the issue?

I have formatted the EFI partition and tried again, but I do not seem to be able to get the system to boot just using /EFI/CLOVER.. I need to have the /EFI/BOOT in order to chain Clover.

Am I doing something really wrong here?

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No, I don't have "UEFI:" prefixed on the HD with Clover




Here's what I have done:

- copied the EFI folder to the EFI partition of the HD

- copied the EFI folder to a FAT32 USB stick

- copied EFI/CLOVER/CLOVERX64.efi to EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi (in the USB stick)

- booted the USB stick (with "UEFI:" prefix)

- went to "Clover Boot Options" (the SATA one, there's one for the USB too)

- selected "Add as UEFI boot option"

With this I got the "Clover OS X Boot" option you see in the picture above.

Now I can replace the EFI folder in the HD and it still works. I usually do this when I update Clover. First I install the new version in USB, copy my files, test it, then I copy the EFI folder to the HD from UEFI shell, because if I copy from Finder (or OS X terminal) some theme images go missing (I think the ones with long filenames).

Edit: did you change the zeroed values (see the README file in my package) in config.plist?

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Ok, I managed to add the correct boot option using Clover, but if I swap the EFI folder, it becomes invalid and for some reason when I go to add it again it doesn't give me an option for it, just the USB :(

Yes, I had replaced the zeroed values with random hex code.

How do I copy from the UEFI shell?

EDIT: Wait... should I have 2 more config.plists in my clover folder? There are 2 in certain subfolders of the OEM folder....

EDIT2: Don't worry.. yours has it too. :?

EDIT3: I think this guy feels the same as me right now...


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To copy from UEFI shell, first locate the correct partitions


In my case fs0 is the USB and fs2 is the EFI partition.

Once boot is working fine from USB I delete the CLOVER folder from EFI partition, boot from USB, open the shell and run

cd EFI
cp -R CLOVER fs2:\EFI

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If I add an EFI partition to a USB stick and literally just put your EFI folder with CLOVER in it, the boot menu shows UEFI:Sandisk, but it will not load and moves to my clover (I know because I am using the bluemac theme).

If I add the /EFI/BOOT folder with the renamed cloverx64.efi in, I can load yours then chain the OS, but still no audio - so I haven't got at far as copying in the shell yet.

I don't like being defeated by things that should be working but due to the 'law of sod' aren't, but I am seriously considering VoodooHDA.

Btw, on a separate note, I have been considering looking at replacing the speakers in this laptop for something a little more bassy. I need to take it apart and see if there is the room. I have a Dell here with a dead mobo (but the sound was ok) and I am wondering if a physical hack is in order once I get this sound working.

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Hrm... frustrating... I have replaced the DSDT but still no audio... Yes, I shut down completely. I even removed the battery and power cable for 10 seconds. I also tried removing the AppleHDAAL kext. No change. I will boot into Windows and use AIDA64 to get dev ID's to compare.



please try this: https://www.sendspace.com/file/8uib1y

install AppleHDA+DSDT.

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Sorry :-/ Even less recognition in sys profiler with these...


Btw, I really appreciate you spending so much time on this.

EDIT: Strange thing is, when booting (with any combo of files) there is a slight pop from the speakers... very quiet but as if they are initialized.. but then nothing.

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send me your IOREG.ioreg


Also, I don't know if this is any help but it doesn't seem to be a general audio issue because I can get it working for headphone use if I use a griffin iMic.. found it at the back of a cupboard earlier :)


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