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Blurry text in Lenovo S145, any patch can fix it?

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4 hours ago, MaLd0n said:

I've already tried this command and many others with different value combinations.

defaults write -g CGFontRenderingFontSmoothingDisabled -bool true  
defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0   

I've even installed swithRes4 to put HiDPI and I wasn't successful.

i set the monitor to RGB mode and forced big sur to identify this image mode using hackintool, i also tried to inject an EDID from thunderbolt and others.



My Note has a UHD Graphics 620 and in preferences appears 655.
this can give me some problem?


@MaLd0n Could you please take a look at my dsdt and see if it needs any patch?

RunMe log: https://filebin.net/c5z7ibd1hcvdn9dq/Send_me_Rafaels-MacBook-Pro-2.zip
DSDT: https://filebin.net/c5z7ibd1hcvdn9dq/DSDT.aml



PS: Mto obrigado pelo otimo forum que vc criou maldonado. 
Consegui fazer meu hack num note Dell E5440 e ficou 100% (Mojave), mto bom.
Só estou tendo esse problema com o S145 mas ja estou até acostumando com as letras Hahah

Edited by Rafael de Carvalho
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