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MaLd0n last won the day on June 28

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About MaLd0n

  • Birthday 03/07/1978

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  1. Create a bootable installer for macOS with createinstallmedia -Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE -About Premium Users you can check HERE -Problems with Paypal HERE -Installation Guide HERE -Hackintosh EFI folders HERE -Hackintosh USB Remap HERE -How to update OpenCore and Kexts HERE -Guides and Tutorials HERE Find out which macOS your Mac is using HERE How to download macOS HERE 1- Connect the USB flash drive directly to your Mac. 2- Format USB flash as HFS / GUID. Check image bellow. 3- Open Terminal, which is in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder and Type or paste command bellow. MyVolume is the name of the USB flash drive. If it has a different name, rename it or replace MyVolume in the command as needed. Sequoia: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Sequoia.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume Sonoma: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Sonoma.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume Ventura: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Ventura.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume Monterey: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Monterey.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume Big Sur: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume Catalina: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Catalina.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume Mojave: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume High Sierra: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume El Capitan: sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ Capitan.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ Capitan.app Credits: Apple We're all here to have fun and learn from each other! That's all Folks!
  2. Sequoia is beta u need to wait next releases
  3. https://chefkissinc.github.io/nootedred
  4. Perfect Hackintosh Mini Pc FEVM with i9 13900KS or i9 14900KS and RX6600M -Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE -About Premium Users you can check HERE -Problems with Paypal HERE -Installation Guide HERE -Hackintosh EFI folders HERE -Hackintosh USB Remap HERE -How to update OpenCore and Kexts HERE -Guides and Tutorials HERE EFI Folder EFI OpenCore Mini Pc FEVM.zip Hardware - i9 14900KS with RX6600M Link Mini PC HERE We're all here to have fun and learn from each other! That's all Folks! Credits: Slice, Kabyl, usr-sse2, jadran, Blackosx, dmazar, STLVNUB, pcj, apianti, JrCs, pene, FrodoKenny, skoczy, ycr.ru, Oscar09, xsmile, SoThOr, RehabMan, Download-Fritz, Zenit432, cecekpawon, Intel, Apple, Oracle, Chameleon Team, crazybirdy, Mieze, Mirone, Oldnapalm, netkas, Elconiglio, artut-pt, ErmaC, Pavo, Toleda, Master Chief and family, bcc9, The King, PMheart, Sherlocks, Micky1979, vit9696, vandroiy2013, Voodoo Team, Pike R. Alpha, lvs1974, Austere.J, CVad, headkaze, onemanosx, erroruser, Jenny David, Sampath007, Facebook Hackintosh community, Facebook Olarila community and many, many, many others!
  5. Hackintosh EFI OpenCore Workstation Dell T5810 x99 chipset -Support Olarila Vanilla Hackintosh by making a donation HERE -About Premium Users you can check HERE -Problems with Paypal HERE -Installation Guide HERE -Hackintosh EFI folders HERE -Hackintosh USB Remap HERE -How to update OpenCore and Kexts HERE -Guides and Tutorials HERE Download EFI Folder EFI Workstation Dell T5810 x99.zip -Use USB2 port for easy installation with no remap USB -Users with IGPU can use -igfxvesa bootarg for easy installation -Delete old EFI folder and paste new. Don't use merge files -Don't use Drag and Drop into EFI partition. Use Copy/Paste instead -Reset NVRAM one time - with OpenCore use entry "Reset Nvram" / with Clover use F11 key on boot screen We're all here to have fun and learn from each other! That's all Folks! Credits: Slice, Kabyl, usr-sse2, jadran, Blackosx, dmazar, STLVNUB, pcj, apianti, JrCs, pene, FrodoKenny, skoczy, ycr.ru, Oscar09, xsmile, SoThOr, RehabMan, Download-Fritz, Zenit432, cecekpawon, Intel, Apple, Oracle, Chameleon Team, crazybirdy, Mieze, Mirone, Oldnapalm, netkas, Elconiglio, artut-pt, ErmaC, Pavo, Toleda, Master Chief and family, bcc9, The King, PMheart, Sherlocks, Micky1979, vit9696, vandroiy2013, Voodoo Team, Pike R. Alpha, lvs1974, Austere.J, CVad, headkaze, onemanosx, erroruser, Jenny David, Sampath007, Facebook Hackintosh community, Facebook Olarila community and many, many, many others!
  6. Use a pasta que chega nessa tela pq o boot funcionou e só precisa resolver o USB ou CPUR ou npci=0x2000
  7. Vc só precisa da ssdt gerada com o PlugIn type e essa não precisa adicionar nada no plist além do snapshot da ssdt.
  8. Siga esse tutorial e use a Opção 5 PlugIn Type https://www.olarila.com/topic/38222-how-to-create-ssdts-for-hackintosh-easy-way-with-ssdttime/ Se gerar a ssdt é pq vc precisa
  9. Coisa antiga e vc precisa atualizar essa pasta e adicionar o pikera
  10. Sim. Gera a kext USB pelo windows https://www.olarila.com/topic/37827-hackintosh-remap-usb-with-usbtoolbox-windows-or-macos/ e adiciona as kexts na primeira pasta Se preciso for use essa kext https://github.com/ChefKissInc/ForgedInvariant E se preciso for tem de usar o CPUR tb e em muitos casos tb precisa do npci=0x2000 bootarg
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